Episode #194: The Art of Good Enough with Dr. Ivy Ge

Please remember that the views on this podcast and website are not meant to be substituted for medical advice, shouldn’t be used to diagnose, treat or cure any conditions, and are intended for general information purposes only.

Steph interviews Dr. Ivy Ge to help moms navigate the constant changes, fears, and #momguilt associated with parenting during a pandemic.  Dr. Ivy Ge is a pharmacy professor who has conducted research for over a decade on practical tools to prioritize, problem-solve, and stay focused under pressure. As a recovering perfectionist, she helps moms learn how to filter out distractions, stop comparing themselves to others, and focus on what’s most important to them. She also helps moms raise self-reliant, resilient children, and bring back passion to their relationship. If you’re feeling “stuck” or burnt out, this episode will help you recharge and bravely keep moving forward.

Topics Discussed: 

  • How to navigate the stress of “pandemic parenting”
  • Ways to help children cope with lockdown-related stress
  • Fostering independence and self-driven learning in kids
  • Defining what ‘good enough’ looks like in this season
  • The most important thing your child needs right now

Show Notes: 

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This episode’s sponsors

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This episode’s guest

From an aspiring actress to working for airline executives to becoming a pharmacy professor and a multi genre author, Dr. Ivy Ge has transformed her life while balancing her role as a working mother. She writes to inspire women to design their own fate. Her thrillers tell the extraordinary tales of ordinary heroines caught between personal conflicts and national crises. Her most recent self-help book, The Art of Good Enough: The Working Mom’s Guilt-Free Guide to Thriving While Being Perfectly Imperfect, shows women don’t have to be perfect to be happy. Visit her website for more information on how to find your focus and empower your future.

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