What if you could give your sick kiddo rapid relief at home instead of frantically calling your pediatrician?
it's possible when you join
The Doctor Mom Membership
Find out how 👇
More than 2000 Doctor Moms have increased their family’s well-being using our proven protocols and a “not-your-usual-med-kit”

Because of what you teach, we’ve been able to avoid countless unnecessary doctor visits.
Because of what you teach we’ve been able to avoid countless unnecessary doctor visits and treat colds, rashes and viruses at home with natural remedies instead of automatically going to a conventional solutions like antibiotics. You have empowered us to know when to use a conventional solution like when I was 100% certain our son needed antibiotics (he did and got better day 1!) and when it was a good call to use Tylenol (nasty fever where on day 3 we deemed sleep > fever).
Not to mention the information you provided on shots. We’ve been able to work with or pediatrician to create a delayed schedule everyone feels good about because of the info you provide. You are the epitome of informed consent; you provide us parents with all the information we need to make these important decisions. Seriously we are so appreciative of you and I recommend you to all my friends with littles. You have helped change my life in so many ways. Thank you for helping us care for our kids in the best way- as calm confident doctor parents! We really love you and all you teach!!
Ahhhh do you have a sick child who doesn’t sleep through the night… everyone in the house is tired and cranky… and you are worried the bug will spread and this madness will just continue?!
Confused if you need to drop everything and visit your doctor …. Your day is busy enough?!
You question if your child will need antibiotics! No!!! The side effects!Â
Or perhaps you have a child with constipation, eczema, ADHD, or another ongoing issue… and you are frustrated with conventional treatment options?!
when. will. this. worry. stop?!
Oh, Mama… you need a break.
If this isn’t you now I am sure this has been you or this will be you one day!Â
Illness is INEVITABLE with our kiddos. On average toddlers and preschool-aged children will have as many as 8 to 12 colds, respiratory infections, and/or stomach bugs EACH year!
School-aged children and preteens average 5 to 6 illnesses annually!
So get ready for once or every other month ANOTHER bug finds its sneaky way into the house making everyone who lives there susceptible to yet ANOTHER illness!
Not to mention more than half of kids now are struggling with a chronic disease making them even more susceptible to acute illnesses! Â
And if you have an infant…Â
you are also likely losing sleep not just from the baby waking hungry or crying and wanting you… but also from overwhelming thoughts on upcoming vaccines!Â
You question if you feel your child needs over 50 doses of 12 vaccines before their 6th birthday!Â
Do you just trust what your doctor tells you to do? Do you even have time to learn about vaccines with your already BUSY life?! Come on… do you know how much laundry there is piled up that needs your attention? Or the stack of dishes to clean? Or the mess your child just made while you are likely reading this?!
DEEP BREATH… (for both of us – just writing these words I KNOW the pressure we are under as parents!)
As a mom of 3 and a doctor with over 14 years of experience – I have similar waves of OVERWHELM and have worked with hundreds of parents who all share these similar struggles.Â
(and all of those ups: those snuggles, the amount of LOVE, the bond you have with your child, makes it ALL WORTH IT!)
AND… society is simply set up for us mamas to feel ISOLATED… QUESTION every parenting way…. DOUBT our medical choices… and feel a LACK OF SUPPORT.
These feelings are NOT YOUR FAULT!Â
But these feelings are real for so many of us.Â
The overwhelming to-do list alone is a LOT to take on, not to mention the responsibility of raising a HUMAN BEING! Parenting decisions up the wazoo is enough decision fatigue for a lifetime!Â
But then… throw in a sick child to your already busy day!
You just want to throw in the towel…
Press pause on life… snap your fingers and escape to an island where you can sip a margarita alone… without anyone bothering you (or climbing on you or trying to share your drink)
but here is the the real truth…
You don’t need to escape to a faraway island to get some reprieve on these sick days your child will inevitably experience!
Imagine if you leaned into sick days as an OPPORTUNITY to be your child’s HERO?Â
You have your medicine kit ready…
with remedies that will speed healing!!
Yes, that means 3 things…
#1 Shorten the duration of the illness.Â
Wait?! Does that mean they will be sick for fewer days?!Â
And get this… you can also help to
#2 Decrease the intensity of symptoms!​​
Your child’s cough, runny nose, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea won’t be as intense either!
That means fewer buggers to wipe, vomit to clean up, and nights worried if you need another pricey ER visit!
#3 Prevent Illness
Learn how to build resiliency and get to the root cause of ongoing health issues!Â
Don’t just assume everyone will be sick in the family… you got this!
Ready for the icing on the cake?
MAJORITY of the time, you won’t even have to waste your precious already busy day visiting your pediatrician. You confidently know when it is safe to help your child right at home or when a doctor’s appointment is necessary.
You just saved TIME
(your precious time!)
You just saved MONEY
(yay more to spend at Target!)
You just saved STRESS
(aaah priceless)
But MOST importantly – YOU SHOWED up as a DOCTOR MOM!
A mom who feels calm when her child is sick
A mom who is competent with her medical tools/remedies
A mom who is confident knowing what to do, how to do it, how much medicine to give in the safest way possible!
You are no longer scared when your child gets sick and now say, “Bring on those sick days!” You are ready to work your Doctor Mom magic!
Ahhh I want this SO badly for you!
But you are probably thinking, who am I to talk about this?
you need support
I can help!
Hi! I am Dr. Elana Roumell
As a naturopathic doctor and mother myself, I’ve seen a lot of sick kids… and a lot of stressed out mamas. After witnessing mom after mom after mom bring her little one into my office feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed, I KNEW I needed to do something to support and empower these moms… and I knew it needed to be accessible and affordable to all!
That’s why I created the Doctor Mom Membership. Moms need support and I was called to serve! I gathered integrative medicine practitioners from all over the country to help me provide an online reference library for moms like you so you can make confident decisions about your family’s health and well-being… and join a village of supportive mamas!
Start feeling competent with your Doctor Mom tools so the next time your child gets sick you feel calm and collected… you’ve got this, Mama!
I am like your best friend with medical perks. I love to share tips to make mama’s lives easier, I love to listen to your concerns and problem solve with you, and I LOVE to laugh about our #reallife mom moments. More than anything, I LOVE to help empower you to make decisions about your family’s health that you feel GREAT about. Â
My credentials: I graduated from Bastyr University in 2006 with a BS in Whole Foods Nutrition and Health Psychology. In 2010, I graduated with a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with high academic achievement from Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine). Followed by a residency in Family Medicine at the University of Bridgeport. Boy, was that fun!
and that’s why I’m sooo excited to introduce you to...
The Doctor Mom Membership
An online village of like-minded moms committed to solve their children’s health issues from the comfort of their homes.
No Google. No panic. No Sick Waiting Rooms.Â
Get access to a (growing) online medical library so you can make confident decisions about your family’s health and well-being without panic rushing to the doctor’s office. Â
“The Doctor Mom Membership is a Godsend! As a mom of 3, it is so stressful when your kiddos are sick, trying to search the internet for trusted information. This membership provides it all. The confidence you need as a mom to know how to treat your kiddos at home first before rushing to a doctor’s office. To not panic when they have a cold, cough, or stomach ache and feel confident in our abilities as moms to have a medicine kit and know how to use it. One of my favorite parts of the membership is the Mindset section and meditations. When my kiddos have been sick, I have realized how important it is as a momma to stay calm and grounded and not panic! (easier said than done) but to have this meditation at hand to be able to listen to and feel reassured is so amazing! Dr. Elana did an amazing job and this site is such a blessing!”
-Yazmin Martinez, Mama of 3
“The Doctor Mom Membership will give you the tools and the confidence to tackle health issues and everyday life with your kids. Instead of turning to Google or your friends for advice, you will have a trusted resource and community where you can ask questions and receive a well-rounded, natural perspective from experts in so many fields.”
-Griffin Hill, Mama of 1
The Doctor Mom Membership will help you:
Shift from “fear to clear” so you can calmly assess your child’s symptoms.
Doctor Moms have access to a list of safety symptoms to review so they can stay calm and think clearly. You’ll find Doctor Mom mindset tools so your anxiety or stress doesn’t prolong your child’s illness or make their symptoms worse. Our child’s pick up on our fear!
Communicate with your doctor so you feel empowered in your choices for your child’s well-being
Get access to 15 scripted questions so you know what to ask your doctor so you can leave feeling EMPOWERED. I teach you how doctors think so you aren’t intimidated or thrown off by medical jargon.
Know how to safely help your child from home using natural medicines
From home remedies easy to make with ingredients right in your kitchen to tried and true herbs, homeopathics, and health food supplements… I teach you what you need to know, how much, and how often, so you can feel competent with you Doctor Mom tools.
Understand when conventional medicine should be considered
and when various natural medicines are safe and effective choices to help relieve your child when sick
Build confidence to know when it’s time to visit your doctor
You’ll find handy checklists in our online library that tell you EXACTLY when to schedule an appointment versus help your little one at home.
Save hours searching on Google for safe dosing recommendations
Stop relying on google for safety information. Get exactly what you need to know straight from a naturopathic doctor with over a decade of clinical experience.
Access a village of like-minded moms to support you in your decision making
Moms need other moms to lean on at times. Join a supportive group of like-minded moms who get it!
“The Doctor Mom Membership took my skill and knowledge set to a whole other level. I continue to feel empowered, enlightened, and confident every time I log in to the Doctor Mom Library. As a member, I look forward to the new information posted each month and love that Dr. Elana covers all sorts of various topics as they come along. Even in these unprecedented times, the membership gives me a sense of peace and calm because it empowers me.”
-Fiona Wariuki Frank, Mama of 1
take a look inside...
Learn to feel calm, competent & confident with instant access to training modules such as:
Valued at $147
Learn how to safely think like a Doctor Mom so you aren’t driven by mama-fear and rather know how to tune into mama-bear!
Valued at $247
Learn how to feel well-equipped knowing which integrative medicines (both conventional and alternative) to give to your child when they get sick so you can feel prepared and ready!
Valued at $347
Learn how to master the most common conditions your child may get sick from and offer relief during the hardest of times.
Valued at $247
BONUS: Parts of the Vaccine Empowerment Program are included FREE to members. If a member wants access to the entire program for a deeper dive into vaccine education, a special member discount is offered!
Member-exclusive bonus workshop
BONUS: Learn how to prevent illness and be prepared with Doctor Mom must-have tools to fight off illness fast! This member-exclusive workshop is a must-watch for every Doctor Mom who wants to master their child’s immunity!
Valued at $47
From Fevers to Eczema, to Mold Toxicity to Rashes…Master New Conditions!
Current Conditions Covered Inside THE MEMBERSHIP:
👉 Anxiety
👉 Big Feelings
👉 Broken Bones
👉 Bites
👉 Bumps
👉 Burns
👉 Candida
👉 Colic
👉 Constipation
👉 Cough
👉 Covid
👉 Croup
👉 Developmental Delays
👉 Diaper Rash
👉 DiarrheaÂ
👉 Ear Ache
👉 Early Food Allergen
👉 Eczema
👉 Enlarged Tonsils & Adenoids
👉 Fever
👉 Flu
👉 Fungal Skin Rashes
👉 General Wellness
👉 Growing Pains
👉 Headaches
👉 Head Injuries
👉 Hand Foot Mouth
👉 Hives
👉 Keratosis Pilaris
👉 Kids Detox
👉 Leaky Gut
👉 Lyme Disease
👉 Mastitis
👉 Migraines
👉 Mold Toxicity
👉 Nose Bleeds
👉 Parasites
👉 Picky Eating
👉 Pink Eye
👉 Pinworm
👉 Pre & Post Op Surgery
👉 Reflux
👉 Runny Nose/Cold
👉 Seasonal Allergies
👉 Sleep
👉 Skin Rash
👉 Sleep / SleepTraining
👉 Sore Throat
👉 Starting Solids
👉 Strep Throat
👉 Teething
👉 Tongue Tie
👉 Tummy Ache
👉 Vomiting
Also Included with your Membership:
Doctor Mom Protocols
Backed by years of clinical experience you get Dr. Elana’s step-by-step Doctor Mom Home Protocols along with Advanced Protocols for when it is time to visit your doctor.Â
Two Live Monthly Q&A Calls
Join Dr. Elana and Dr. Desta every month along with your community of Doctor Moms to get your questions answered. Your access to a pediatric naturopathic doctor at a fraction of the cost!  *Calls are recorded if you can’t make it live.
We’ve reduced our members fears and concerns by answering questions like:
- I’ve been following your eczema protocol for my 9 month old. We’ve seen improvement after 4 weeks. Should we do the protocol for the full 3 months before we reintroduce common allergens(foods) or can we introduce before to see if there’s any reaction after eating the foods?
- How long before/after vaccination do we have to supplement with Glutathione?Â
- If I put sunscreen on my toddler this summer, will she still be able to absorb Vitamin D from the sun?
- My two year old has been getting RSV frequently in the past 6 months, is there something I can give her to help before it gets to the labored breathing?
- At what age can we start the magic socks? My little one is 10 months old. Is that too early?
Doctor Mom Recipes
By popular demand, Dr. Elana shares her easy and healthy family–friendly meals that can be whipped up in a jiffy.  We serve members with various dietary needs such as Paleo, Gluten-free, Vegetarian and Vegan.
Expert Interviews
A team of pediatric integrative practitioners sharing knowledge and clinical pearls. Integrative medical doctors like Dr. Elisa Song, Dr. Joel Gator, Dr. Ana Maria Temple, and Dr. Jess Peatross. Holistic ER Nurse Shannon Tripp. Functional medicine doctors Dr. Ari Calhoun, Dr. Michelle Young, Dr. Erika Krumbeck, and Dr. Jaquel Petterson. And dozens more from holistic dentists, picky eating specialists, mental health experts, lactation consultants, and more!
Doctor Mom Tools, Techniques and Meditations
Created specifically for Doctor Moms, you get tangible tools to teach you how to stay calm during fearful times.
A Chance to Engage in Rich & Informative Convos with other Moms in a Private Facebook Group
Ask questions or search through hundreds of archived posts with support from a team of pediatric naturopathic doctors!
you deserve it and your kids do too!
This Doctor Mom’s son now asks for his medicine!Â
And your membership to the rescue again… my boys started coughing and I was able to get into all the doctor mom membership content on my phone and start pulling remedies out of the cupboard! My oldest now has started to ask for pellets since he knows they make him feel better, what a gift!Â
After she was dismissed by her pediatrician, this Doctor Mom helped her son get better in 3 days!
We took him to our pediatrician and found out he had hand, foot mouth disease (HFMD)…Our pediatrician’s recommendation was a “there’s nothing we can do” attitude. We started Dr. Elana’s HFMD protocol that afternoon. His little body was able to kick HFMD fast and get back to his normal self within 3 days! We are so lucky to have such a happy healthy boy. This is for anyone who has a sick kiddo right now and feels defeated, just know you have an amazing tool and community of people right here that support you. Take a deep breath, you got this! Cheers!
Nayo was able to get through a scary situation with confidence
Last night I had a scare with my 15 month old. Waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for air, not being able to breath, lips turning blue.  We called for ambulance and was transported. It turned out to be a fast onset of croup.  Thought it was scary, I cannot tell you the confidence I had in being able to ask questions and to advocate for my child.  I came home to start treating her with the medicine cabinet I’ve been building through this membership.Â
I had everything I needed in me and my cabinet, thanks to this membership. How I wish I knew about this years ago. The peace of mind, clarity, and confidence in being able to to advocate and care of my own is so worth it! Thank you to the team that works so hard in crating this membership. I appreciate you more than words will ever try to describe.
– Nayo
Best Value
*Billed once a year for $297
Save $99 for the year compared to the monthly plan!
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 12 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Quarterly Membership
*Billed every 3 months for $83
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 3 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Monthly Membership
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Monthly
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Best Value
Get your first year for 10% off ends 12/3!
Now $267—just $22.27/month for your first year!
regularly $297/year
*Billed once a year
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 12 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Quarterly Membership
Get your first quarter for 30% off ends 12/3!
Now just $58 for your first 3 months—$19.36/month!
regularly $83/quarter​
*Billed every 3 months
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 3 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Monthly Membership
Get your first month for 40% off ends 12/3!
Now $19.80 for your first month!
regularly $33/month
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Monthly
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Due to the nature of this digital product, we do not offer refunds for this purchase. However, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
Check out what these Doctor Mom's are saying...
Tell your mama friends!
The Doctor Mom Membership–with its protocols, articles, videos, interviews, recipes, support, etc.–delivers on its promise to help you feel empowered and confident as a Doctor Mom. You will be turning to this resource time and again as your child ages because it is so thorough and clear–something we all look for during those panicked moments as a mother. No need to search any further than what Dr. Elana offers in membership. TELL YOUR MAMA FRIENDS!
-Michelle Dyroff, Mama of 1
I now feel confident
caring for my family!
If you have ever felt scared or confused as a parent on how to best handle times in which your children are not feeling good, you are not alone. Even as a registered nurse, I would feel lost during certain situations with my girls, but ever since I’ve learned about the Doctor Mom protocols, herbal & homeopathy remedies, I now feel confident caring for my family. It has changed the way we care for ourselves and now with the added bonus of recipes and so much more, this membership is perfect for any caregiver who wants to maintain a healthy household.
-Christina Delaney, Mama of 2
Is this question on your mind?
I got you, Mama!
We have so much to share with you Doctor Moms. You can expect your library to continue to build with more valuable resources such as mastering a new condition, new Doctor Mom Protocols, medicine highlights and more!
Yes! Included in the Doctor Mom Membership is a Vaccine Section where you will learn how to help your child before and after each vaccine, and what to avoid before and after each vaccine. This has brought a lot of peace of mind to parents navigating this challenging topic.
*Please note: The Vaccine Empowerment Program is not included inside the membership. Members get a special discount if they want to take a deeper dive into vaccine education. This is the program for you!
Children get sick at any age. So yes! This information still applies. You want to be well informed with the knowledge of common illnesses and be proactive in your child’s healthcare at any age! The Doctor Mom Protocols lists recommended amounts for various medicines up to 90 lbs, but there are still plenty of options to either give higher dosing or other types of medicine to help our older kids.
The Facebook Group can be used in multiple ways:
- Meet other Doctor Moms around the world or even in your local community!Â
- Get support! If the answer to your question is not yet covered in our robust Doctor Mom Library, you can post inside our FB group day or night! Not only are our Doctor Moms eager to help, we also have a Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Desta Golden, who pops in each day to offer education and support.
Search the hundreds of posts in our saved archives. Your question may have already been answered! There is a search bar as a way to view all past posts and learn from other Doctor Moms along with Pediatric Naturopathic Doctors like Dr. Elana Roumell, Dr. Desta Golden, Dr. Morgan MacDermott and Dr. Michelle Young, etc.
Yes, it is! It was a priority to ensure a mom can refer to her resources day or night and not need her computer. Check out this video to see how easy and quick it is to access right on your phone!
Live Group Q&A calls are provided along with our private Facebook Group to support you mamas. Both places you get education and support from pediatric naturopathic doctors. Unfortunately, at this time, the membership doesn’t provide 1:1 support.
Absolutely. We have a no-hassle cancellation policy. If you aren’t happy just send us an email at support@medschoolformoms.com and we will cancel your membership. You are always welcome to join again but please note prices do increase over time.
Here’s everything you get when you join the Doctor Mom Membership today
👉 Doctor Mom Protocols
Backed by years of clinical experience, you get Dr. Elana’s step-by-step Doctor Mom Home Protocols. Each protocol includes a list of safety signs and symptoms so you never have to doubt if you can safely treat from home or when it is time for a doctor’s visit.
👉 Mindset Course: Where you learn to feel CALM
Learn how to safely think like a Doctor Mom so you aren’t driven by mama-fear and rather know how to tune into mama-bear!
👉 Medicine Course: Where you learn to feel COMPETENT
Learn how to feel well-equipped knowing which integrative medicines (both conventional and alternative) to give to your child when they get sick so you can feel prepared and ready!
👉 Mastery Course: Where you learn to feel CONFIDENT
Learn how to master the most common conditions your child may get sick from and offer relief during the hardest of times.
👉 Vaccine Education
Learn how to make the hard decisions around vaccines and get access to Dr. Elana’s Vaccine Detox and Immune Protocol!
👉 Immune Workshop
Learn how to prevent illness and be prepared with Doctor Mom must-have tools to fight off illness fast!
👉 Doctor Mom Recipes
By popular demand, Dr. Elana shares her easy and healthy family-friendly meals that can be whipped up in a jiffy. We serve members with various dietary needs such as:
- Paleo
- Gluten-free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
👉 Expert Interviews
A team of pediatric integrative practitioners sharing knowledge and clinical pearls.
👉 Doctor Mom Mindset Tools, Techniques, and Meditations
Created specifically for Doctor Moms, you get tangible tools to teach you how to stay calm during fearful time.
👉 Two Live Monthly Q&A Calls
Join Dr. Elana and Dr. Desta every month along with your community of Doctor Moms to get your questions answered. Your access to a pediatric naturopathic doctor at a fraction of the cost!
*Calls are recorded if you can’t make it live.
👉 A Chance to Engage in Rich & Informative Convos with other Moms in a Private Facebook Group
Ask questions or search through hundreds of archived posts with support from a team of pediatric naturopathic doctors!
Join us now for less than a copay!
Hey Mama, you made it to the end...
Now here’s what I’d tell you if we bumped into each other at a park while our kids are playing…
I know you may roll your eyes at me thinking there is no way you can feel confident and actually BE a Doctor Mom yourself. Self-doubt creeps in all too often and takes over.
But, I believe in you! I see your love for your child. Your dedication to raising them to be as healthy as possible. Your desire to comfort them when they are sick and uncomfortable.
Once you are inside the membership, your self-doubt will disappear, and you’ll be supported by not only a community of other Doctor Moms but also a team of naturopathic doctors!
You’ll have access to protocols that you can use at home, day or night, so you can be your child’s hero – a Doctor Mom!
Join us inside now. You got this!
Join us now for less than a copay!
Best Value
*Billed once a year for $297
Save $99 for the year compared to the monthly plan!
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 12 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Quarterly Membership
*Billed every 3 months for $83
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 3 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Monthly Membership
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Monthly
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Best Value
Get your first year for 10% off ends 12/3!
Now $267—just $22.27/month for your first year!
regularly $297/year
*Billed once a year
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 12 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Quarterly Membership
Get your first quarter for 30% off ends 12/3!
Now just $58 for your first 3 months—$19.36/month!
regularly $83/quarter​
*Billed every 3 months
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Every 3 Months
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Monthly Membership
Get your first month for 40% off ends 12/3!
Now $19.80 for your first month!
regularly $33/month
- Complete Doctor Mom Library
- Immediate Access​
- Billed Monthly
Secure Checkout. Cancel Anytime. All Prices in USD.
Due to the nature of this digital product, we do not offer refunds for this purchase. However, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
Are You Ready To Set Aside Your Fears And
feel empowered the next time your child gets sick?
Perhaps you feel scared because you have experienced:
- Feeling alone and not supported with your medical choices
- Doubt not knowing if it’s too early or too late to visit your doctor?
- Anxiety talking with your doctor?
- Overwhelm choosing what treatments are best for your child?
- Confusion about which medicines are safe and effective?