Episode #128: Podcast Recap–Cook Once, Eat All Week with Cassy Joy Garcia

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Steph and Dr. Elana recap the interview with Cassy Joy Garcia about her new book Cook Once, Eat All Week, which is a revolutionary way to get delicious, healthy, and affordable food on the table fast. Steph and Dr. Elana discuss habit formation and some of the science behind why eating a larger meal at the beginning of the day might be better than ending the day with a large meal.


Topics Discussed:

  • Why we love Cassy’s new book
  • Comparing and contrasting our meal prep styles with Cassy’s
  • Why no meal prep method is right or wrong
  • How creating new habits can help make you successful in meal prepping
  • Breakfast ideas as a meal prep mama
  • Lemony kale and how amazing this recipe is
  • More support for people committed to meal prep!

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