Episode #169: Podcast Recap–Adventurous Eating and Family Dinner

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On today’s episode Steph and Dr. Elana share key takeaways from interviewing the experts from Adventurous Eating and on the Family Dinner Project. They share how they personally navigate family dinners and how they aren’t always pretty or perfect. They highlight strategies and advice from these experts to make meals more fun, have families feel more connected and help kids that are picky! 

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Enjoy the listen! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Instagram or Facebook.

Topics Discussed:

  • Steph and Dr. Elana share what family meals look like in their homes 
  • How to get kids more involved in meal planning and food prep
  • How to support picky eaters at mealtime
  • How community can transform what a family meal looks like 
  • How to approach screentime at meals from a place of compassion, not shame

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