Episode #79: Pediatric Dental Health with Dr. Steven Lin

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In this episode, Stephanie interviews a special guest, Dr. Steven Lin. Dr. Steven Lin is a board-registered dentist, writer, and speaker.

We invited Dr. Steven Lin on today’s show to shed light on pregnant and pediatric dental health. He is a passionate whole-health advocate who focuses on the link between nutrition and dental health. His mission is to prevent dental diseases instead of treating them.

Curious about fluoride? Wondering how often it’s really necessary to brush your kid’s teeth or when they should first see a dentist? Interested in the link between dental health and nutrition (spoiler alert: you can influence your child’s dental health before they’re even born!)? Then, this episode is for you! We cover those topics and a LOT more on this episode!


Topics Discussed:

  • Dr. Steven Lin’s background and what led him towards a more functional approach to dental health
  • Things moms can do while pregnant to improve their dental health and their developing baby’s dental health
  • How often kids should brush/floss
  • The first dental appointment
  • Tongue/lip ties and dental development
  • Dr. Lin’s stance on fluoride and oral probiotics
  • Considerations for dental procedures while pregnant
  • How to avoid braces
  • And more!

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