Episode #22: Natural Ways to Boost your Family’s Immunity

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Join us as we talk about natural ways to boost your family’s immunity!

In this episode, Aglaée interviews her birth doula and naturopathic doctor, Dr. Shivaune Wright, and discuss how the immune system works and what we can do to boost our immunity using foods and other natural strategies to keep the whole family healthy this winter and all year round.


[0:00] intro [3:23] Dr. Shivaune Wright’s ]bio [5:11] apologies for the sound quality! [5:47] start of the interview [6:44] how the immune system works [10:00] nutrition tips to boost immunity [15:11] the link between the gut and immunity [19:46] the role of food sensitivities [20:50] probiotics and fermented foods! [23:14] breastfeeding [24:00] stress and your immune system [27:05] castor oil tummy rubs [29:50] vitamin D and omega-3 fats [31:54] outro


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