Episode #197: Mompreneur Maternity Leave Rights with Kristen G. Roberts, Esq.

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Dr. Elana interviews mama attorney Kristen Roberts, Esq. who shares insights for mompreneurs and aspiring mompreneurs to understand their maternity leave rights. This show discusses the importance of having a maternity leave plan and tips how to start creating one. As a mama, attorney and entrepreneur herself, Kristen will be sharing her personal story of how she made her maternity leave work and how she helps her clients do the same. Her goal is to help families understand that they can absolutely take parental leave without sacrificing their business. She also teaches them how to build structures and timelines to support what needs to get done in order to have it all.

Topics Discussed:

  • Lessons learned as a business owner and a new mom
  • Benefits of working for yourself as new mom
  • How to know if working for yourself is the right fit for you
  • What mompreneurs maternity leave rights are and eligibility
  • Common myths moms have regarding parental leave
  • 2 actionable steps for any mompreneur or aspiring mompreneur

Show Notes:

  • www.trestlelaw.com 
  • @kristen_roberts_esq 
  • www.facebook.com/trestlelaw
  • Mention The Doctor Mom show to get a 1 hour free consultation with the firm (normally offer 30 minutes)
  • 10% off Baby on Board Planning 

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This episode’s sponsors

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This episode’s guest

Kristen G. Roberts is a California licensed attorney. She is the Founder and Managing Attorney at Trestle Law, APC. Kristen develops and implements brand licensing and certification programs resulting in millions of dollars of revenue for her clients. Consistently recognized as one of the top Intellectual Property attorneys in her area, Kristen has received numerous awards and recognitions including SuperLawyers(r), San Diego Business Journal’s 2019 Business Woman of the Year Finalist, and Best of the Bar four years in a row. Kristen’s decade of expertise and knowledge relating to identifying, prioritizing, and monetizing company and personal brands makes her the go-to attorney for all businesses looking to leverage their brands into tangible revenue. Kristen has been featured in top podcasts and blogs including Balanced Bites, Modern Mamas, Harder to Kill Radio, Whole30.com, alphauniverse.com, and more. Kristen lives in San Diego, CA with her husband Nick, daughter Billie, and two rambunctious boxers, Ziggy and Zoey.

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