Episode #78: New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

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Happy New Year! Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Now that we’re two weeks into 2018, have you stuck with it? Is your motivation starting to fade? Or, are you rocking your plan?

On this episode, we discuss the importance of realistic goal setting, how to stay committed to your plan, and what we’re focusing on this year.

Often, we try to do too many things at once, aren’t clear on what we want our life to look like, or don’t have a realistic plan to accomplish our goals. We hope to address these barriers so you can have a productive and transformational 2018.


Topics Discussed:

  • Our thoughts about New Year’s resolutions (pros/cons/considerations)
  • Resolutions that didn’t work for us
  • Goal setting: what works and what doesn’t work
  • How to develop clarity regarding your vision and goals for 2018
  • Our personal visions and plans for 2018
  • Advice for those struggling to follow through on their goals/resolutions
  • And more!

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