Pain is something no one wants to experience and as moms we sure are susceptible to our fair share – be it from weird positions we nurse in, tendonitis of the wrist from holding babies, back pains from lifting our toddlers… the list goes on…. But there are VERY simple and some surprising things we can do to help us find pain relief.. and quickly!
This is why I invited Missy Bunch to today’s episode. She has a unique approach to pain relief that I’ve never heard of before and I became FASINTATED by her approach! You’ll love learning these simple techniques to ease those “mom pains” once and for all!
A little bit about Missy…
Missy is a multi-certified movement therapist who has been educating and coaching for over 13 years. As a young professional dancer, she battled many injuries over her career and one day she found someone who studied neurology (the study of the brain and nervous system). After one session with this person, her 4-year knee pain was completely gone. She knew she wanted to teach this approach to the world. The importance of brain function and using the nervous system to rapidly “debug” movement patterns, decrease pain and increase performance, has led her to teach and create lightning-fast improvements with people from all walks of life. Her specialties include injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, joint mobility and decreasing pain, holistically.