Episode #252: Learning to Trust Your Body with Alysa Seeland from FOND Bone Broth

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Steph interviews Alysa Seeland, mom of five energetic boys, founder and CEO of FOND Bone Broth, and a Lyme disease warrior. Alysa’s passion in life is helping others and her medium is food. She affectionately refers to FOND Bone Broth as “little jars of healing” because she experienced that firsthand and now wants to share that healing with others. In this episode, Alysa shares her personal health journey and simple ways moms can nourish their body during times of personal and physical growth, healing and repair. She openly shares about her past eating disorder, undiagnosed postpartum depression, and Lyme disease to help us understand that sometimes your health journey can be rocky, but it can also be the beginning of a beautiful road to honoring your body, seeking help when you need it and establishing boundaries.


Topics Discussed:

  • Navigating health issues with resilience
  • How Alysa realized she was navigating undiagnosed PPD
  • Body image struggles during pregnancy
  • How specific nutrients help moms heal and repair
  • Why Alysa decided to create her heart-lead business, FOND
  • What to look for when choosing high-quality bone broth

Show Notes: 

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This episode’s sponsors

FOND Bone Broth crafts bone broth so good, you’ll want to sip it every day. Brewed by hand with a completely plastic-free process, FOND uses organic herb infusions for next-level flavor. You truly have never tasted bone broth like this! To get 20% off visit fondbonebroth.com/doctormom and use code DOCTORMOM.


This episode’s guests

Alysa’s passion in life is helping others and her medium is food. She affectionately refers to FOND Bone Broth as “little jars of healing” because she experienced that firsthand. Alysa is a mom of 5 energetic boys, founder and CEO of FOND, and a Lyme disease warrior.

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